Indian Wells Real Estate Listings

Located in the scenic Coachella Valley, Indian Wells, California, is more than just a desert oasis—it’s a slice of history intertwined with the legendary Lucille Ball. This town isn’t just about its stunning vistas; it’s also about its illustrious past with the iconic actress. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, Indian Wells became a cherished retreat for Ball, known worldwide for her role in the beloved sitcom “I Love Lucy,” and her husband Desi Arnaz. Their home in the prestigious Indian Wells Country Club, now transformed into a hotel, served as their haven in this luxurious enclave.

Today, Indian Wells continues to enchant visitors with its lavish resorts and top-notch tennis facilities. It’s not just about the accommodation; it’s about the experience—a chance to unwind amidst the breathtaking desert scenery. With a population of 4,983 as of 2023, according to the World Population Review, Indian Wells has seen a steady 1.4% increase since the last census in 2020, when it stood at 4,779 residents.

Indian Wells Neighborhoods & Specific HOA Communities