Palm Springs, CA

On Thursday, the Palm Springs City Council officially allowed adult sex venues to be legal in the resort town however, don’t expect to see them on major corridors such as Palm Canyon Drive or Indian Canyon Drive.

Instead, they will be allowed primarily in industrial manufacturing zones of the city with limitations and, the line is blurred on what Palm Springs has already been allowing versus what they recently approved.

For instance, public nudity will still be prohibited except in clothing optional resorts that have already been exempt from city rules. In addition, although there are no currently licensed adult sex venues, there are existing shops that sell sexual merchandise.

The new rules have legalized what’s called, “adult sex venues,” considered to be establishments where patrons will be allowed to rent private spaces for less than 24 hours to engage in sexual activity but, the establishments are required to work with public health departments to mitigate any potential issues related to sexually transmitted disease and drug use.

The zoning change says an adult sex venue cannot be directly adjacent to a residential home contrasting with the prior manufacturing zoning requirement that said any facility must be at least 650 feet away from a residential area.

New adult sex venues will be able to be open longer. Instead of closing at 1am and opening at 9am, the establishments will be allowed to close later at 2am and open earlier at 6am.

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